Sentinel-5 Precursor
On Tuesday September 24th 2018 I attended a scientific colloquium at DLR Oberpfaffenhofen. The topic, presented by Dr. Diego Loyola of the EOC, was the new satellite Sentinel-5 Precursor with its new instrument, the spectrometer Tropomi. Here is the official website of the Sentinel-5 Precursor of ESA and here a news article by DLR (in german). Sentinel-5 Precursor is part of the Copernicus program.
It was quite fascinating seeing the advancement in technology. The difference between the old instruments like OMI, GOMOS and SCIAMACHY is huge. A factor of 100 in spatial resolution was mentioned. An impressive comparison of the pixel size can be found here (source). The accuracy should be 10 to 15 times better (source is the german podcast auf distanz).
One example even showed how certain measurements (I think it was of SO2) took one year with one of the older instruments and just one day with the new Tropomi including a better spatial resolution. Incredible!
Tropomi primarily does column retrieval of the ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), formaldehyde (HCHO), aerosols, clouds, (CO) and methane (CH4). The podcast mentioned above also mentioned water vapor (H2O)
The data of Tropomi is public, though I did not try to download them yet. It seems you just have to register here and then you are free to go.
The future will bring another satellite, the Sentinel-4, with similar performance but with a geostationary orbit above Europe. It will deliver an hourly update of the condition of the atmosphere.
I got another chance to see the talk. This time at the LMU and its Institute for Meteorology. The talk took place on February 5th 2019.
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< to bee continued or at least edited >