Colloquium on data science in earth observation

Published: 2018-11-26; Last edited: 2019-01-02

On November 26th 2018 I attended a colloquium on data science in earth observation. DLR Oberpfaffenhofen invited to that event. The speaker was Professor Xiaoxiang Zhu of the Remote Sensing Technology Institute (IMF) and the TU Munich.

The Copernicus satellites of the Sentinal series were mentioned at the beginning of the talk. Because of their high spacial resolution and their reliable continuous and daily output of data they are a good source for further analysis on its own or in combination with other data sources. Also the data is openly available.

Two companies offering scientific earth observation data were mentioned as well. Unfortunately I do not remember exactly in what context those two were mentioned. Compared to the for example Sentinel data you have to purchase the data those two companies offer. The first one was "Descarts Lab". They offer a demo map were you can see some data. The second one is "Orbital Insight".

An impressive animation that was shown was the shrinking of the arctic sea ice over the last decades by C. Künzer of the DFD. I can't find a link yet. As an alternative I can offer you this one.

One acronym that was dropped was AI4EO{\mathrm{AI_{4}EO}}( It stands for "Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observation". It's a project or better a new concept or approach for enhancing earth observation by using AI or neural networks in earth observation.

Next Prof. Zhu mentioned the link between the real world physics (and science) and the results the complex algorithms used show up. As an example she showed an animation of the Berlin main station. With the help of the TanDEM-X data it was possible to show the "breathing" of the building during the year because of thermal expansion. It works like tomographic slices to rebuild a 3D-model of the object that was scanned. With the X-Band used for TanDEM-X a theoretical resolution of around 1 m is be achievable but with the amount of data collected over the years it is possible to extract data of much higher spatial resolution ("Persistent Scatterer Interferometry").

More complex and detailed analysis with potentially higher resolution can be achieved by combining different data sets of different sensors. One aim is to use the EnMAP data. The satellite EnMAP is planned to be launched to space in 2020.

Prof. Zhu than focused on the AI respectively deep learning itself. She compared the first generation neural networks with modern ones. The number of hidden layers rose from 1 to up to 1000 layers. As I'm totally new to the topic I can't explain what that means at this point and first have to do a little research. Besides the obvious of reading the wikipedia article one can read the paper/article "Deep learning in remote sensing: a review" that Prof. Zhu et al. published in 2017.

One question Prof. Zhu asked at this point:
What makes deep learning in earth observation special?

A small wrap up about the use of deep learning in earth observation was:

Hyperspectral analysis was the next topic. It covers the third point above. For earth observation a lot of different wavelengths are used to extract information of the atmosphere and/or surface of the earth. Of course it is quite sensible to combine all of the data collected by the different instruments scanning the earth. As those datasets are (becoming) huge as more and more satellites in the past present and future collect data with increasingly high resolution (time and spacial) algorithms have to take over the job.

Open issues or questions that were mentioned are:

Some aims mentioned:

A fascinating idea is to combine data of classical earth observation with data collected by social media platforms like twitter or google maps with it's photos made by users. The name of this idea is So2Sat (Social Media to Satellite). In combinations that means:

This way it is possible to automatically generate complex 3D maps with annotations about the function of certain buildings.

Prof. Zhu showed a comparison of OSM data and twitter mapping. The commercial places were accurately predicted!

Prof. Zhu also mentioned competitions in data science. Some bullet points were:

At the end of the colloquium there was a small Q&A. Only two questions/concerns were mentioned:

During research for this article I stumbled over this page:
Awesome Satellite Imagery Datasets